
Il Museo di Arte Sacra

di Fiumalbo

Fiumalbo (MO)

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41022 Fiumalbo MO

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The Last Supper 

Home / artworks / The Last Supper 

Oil on canvas with painted wooden frame, mid-16th century.

It comes from the suppressed Dominican monastery and was found with other paintings in the room called “il lavoro” (the workroom). In the inventory of the rooms and materials preserved in the convent, drawn up on July 13, 1805 by the prioress Brigida Somelli, it is mentioned, among others, with the following note “a particular depiction of the Last Supper.” Cited by Lidia Righi (1979), it reveals a particular refinement of line and color, with exquisite details executed with precision and an elegant architectural setting. The work is by a painter from the Bolognese area of the 16th century.
